- Block Title: Give the Name of the static block here. This will not show on the frontend.
- Identifier: Give the id of this block. It used as reference of this block, when adding to a template file or CMS page.
- Status: Its define visibility of this static block on the frontend.
- Content: Content of static block can be plain text, HTML code and Javascript. PHP code can’t use in this area.
Magento – Creating and Showing a static block in Frontend
The content of the blocks are created and modified from Magento Admin panel which can be placed on one or multiple pages. To create a static block you can follow some simple steps which are given bellow.
Creating a Static Block:
A. Go to the Magento Admin panel and then select the CMS -> Static Blocks.
B. Then Click on the “Add New Block” button from the right top .
C. Now fillup the following fields:
B. Then Click on the “Add New Block” button from the right top .
C. Now fillup the following fields:
D. After fillup all fields then click on “Save Block” button from the right top .
Showing a Static Block in Frontend:
A static block can be added to display on the frontend by some different ways which are discribed bellow:
1. Adding a static block to a CMS page From the Magento admin:
Go to CMS > Pages and click on a pre-existing page or create a new page where you want to show your static block.
Now use the following code in the Content field of the CMS page:
Now use the following code in the Content field of the CMS page:
{{block type="cms/block" block_id="your_block_identifier" template="cms/content.phtml"}}
2. Adding a static block by using template phtml file:
Open your phtml file where you want to add the static block.
For Example: /app/design/frontend/your-instance-name/your_theme/template/callouts/right_col.phtml
Then you can use the following code in your phtml file to show the content of your ststic block:
<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('your_block_identifier')->toHtml() ?>
3. Adding a static block by using XML layout file:
Use the following code to show the content of static block by using Layout XML file:
<reference name=”content/left/right”>
<block type="cms/block" name="your_block_name" before="-">
<action ethod=”setBlockId”><block_id>your_block_identifier</block_id></action>
Note: You can use the above code to show the block content in specific page by using “ Layout Update XML ” field of CMS page.
To do this go: CMS -> pages from your magento backend. Then click on on that page where you want to show the static block.
Then click on Design tab from left panel like:
To do this go: CMS -> pages from your magento backend. Then click on on that page where you want to show the static block.
Then click on Design tab from left panel like:
Now Past the above code in Layout Update XML field.
here i wrote <reference name=”content/left/right”> in code. You must use only one like- content / left or right as your reference name.
here i wrote <reference name=”content/left/right”> in code. You must use only one like- content / left or right as your reference name.
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