Saturday, 4 April 2015

Strategies for Staying on Top of Web Performance

Step one is caring about the performance of your websites. Step two is doing things to make it better. Step three is staying on top of performance for the long haul.
That means not just poking at trying to improve your web performance a few times a year, but making it a part of your active development and trying to prevent regressions. Certainly something that gets harder the more actively developed your site is.
I’m no master of this. I fall into the camp where I tend to work on performance a whole bunch for a short period, then forget about it. It’s tempting to think you’ve got it licked and you’re good now. That would be true if the web never changed and you never touched your site again. But of course neither of those things is likely to be true.
Here’s some ideas I’ve been collecting. Remember this is all about strategies for staying on top of performance, not specific performance-increasing tips.

Have a Budget

Perhaps you’ve heard of the concept of performance budgets? The idea is to have real numbers that you must stay within. Perhaps it’s something like this:
600KB total page weight
20 requests
1000 speed index
1s start render time
Tim Kadlec has more information about the metrics you could choose. And here’s the section of a Katie Kovalcin talk about the subject:
When you have this, performance work isn’t just “maybe I’ll see if I can poke around and make things faster” it’s “I’m working toward this goal, or fixing something that made us break this budget.” The latter encourages this long-term performance-monitoring spirit we’re after.

Use Performance Monitoring Services

SpeedCurve is a pretty sweet one. SpeedCurve allows you to build really beautiful and useful dashboards for monitoring your sites performance over time. It uses the all-powerful Webpagetest, which we all know and love, but is pretty darn ugly and doesn’t help much with tracking over time.
Strategies for Staying on Top of Web Performance
Some speed metrics tracked over time.
Most relevant to our topic of staying on top of performance, SpeedCurve offers performance budget monitoring. You set up certain metrics you want to watch, and how you want to be alerted if you break them.
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SpeedCurve has a ton of other awesome features to check out. Like comparing your site to competitors, testing your site at different screen width breakpoints, testing performance when you deploy, and lots more.

Calibreapp is another awesome site for this.
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You can set specific budgets for specific things and be alerted when you exceed them.
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Of course, being alerted is great. Even better: fix it.

Put Performance On Display

Lara Hogan wrote Designing for Performance and is the Senior Engineering Manager of Performance atEtsy. She shared with me this hallway snapshot from the Etsy offices where they have a big monitor set up to display some performance metrics.
But notice it’s not just graphs and charts…

Celebrate Performance Wins

Not only do they put performance on display at Etsy, Lara says they have a (quarterly)Performance Hero. I dig this a bunch, as it’s a way to positively reinforce doing good things. If someone in your organization does something big for performance, perhaps…
  • Blog about it. Explain what they did, how they did it, and why it matters.
  • Credit the heck out of that person.
  • Show everyone in the company. Tell the world.
That will incentivize the next person that is in position to do the same.

Have Other Incentive (or Punishment) Systems

Certainly positive incentive stuff is a good idea. Is your company at the scale where you can offer real incentives like money or vacation time to performance heros? Performance wins both make companies more money (increased conversions) and save them money (bandwidth), so sharing the wealth seems in good order.
I’d probably recommend against actually nasty punishments for performance regressions. Other than the obvious (negativity sucks), it discourages people from trying things and also encourages hiding the truth when it comes to investigating what happened.
But perhaps there could be some in-between, like a “you broke it, you own it” culture. Meaning if you caused problems in a certain area of a site, that area is now under your watch from here on out.

Automate Everything

If there is a performance-related task that is an obvious best practice and can be done automatically (rather than a person needing to do it), do that.
For instance, images should be optimized. That’s an easy one that most of us know we should be doing. Why do it by hand? Can your CMS automatically optimize images as you upload them?. Can your build process do it for you? Can your DevOps team build something fancy to help? Perhaps a service like ReSRC?
I would lump into this category any service that automatically garners performance wins. I’m thinking of things like CDNs, things like CloudFlare, things like fancy managed DNS, tools like W3 Total Cache that do CMS-specific things to improve speed, things like SPDY, and the like.

Make Calendar Appointments

Rather than wishy-washy resolutions to check in on performance, literally put it on your calendar. Make it a repeating event.
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Put it on meeting agendas. Make a Slack-bot to remind you. Do something real.

Blocking Bad Deployments

If you have a sufficiently advanced build and deployment system, perhaps you can build a system to prevent performance-busting builds from ever going out in the first place.
It’s fairly common to run a suite of tests before deployment, which frequently involves firing up something like PhantomJS / a headless browser to check things. Presumably you could also test certain performance things. The easiest would probably be things like number of requests and total page weight.

Influence the Higher Ups

I tried to find a good source for this, but I came up short. My note was a quote something like this:
If all CEO’s were forced to only use their phone to browse the web for a month, sites would get faster.
The sentiment being that the people in position to effect the most change are often unaware of the problem at all. Or at least don’t prioritize it like they probably should.
I heard Lara Hogan say once:
Send a VIP an important stat every day for two weeks.
Peppering them with little important truth nuggets is probably a better approach than a monolith email that’ll get TL;DR’d faster than a cached HTTP request (see what I did there).

Influence your Colleagues

Brown-bag it! Have a little lunch n’ learn with your fellow co-workers. You’re not in this alone and it will be a lot easier fight if everyone is understands and is on the same page.

Keep Learning

Some fuel for this fire is to keep on learning more about web performance. The more you know, the more there is to know. I know personally I need to level up my HTTP/2 knowledge, as that seems like a worth thing to get moved to if possible.

What is gzip compression?

When a user hits your website a call is made to your server to deliver the requested files.
The bigger these files are the longer it’s going to take for them to get to your browser and appear on the screen.
Gzip compresses your webpages and style sheets before sending them over to the browser. This drastically reduces transfer time since the files are much smaller.
In terms of cost versus benefit, gzip compression should be near the top of your page speed optimizations if you don’t have it setup already.

How does it work?

Gzip is actually a fairly simple idea that is extremely powerful when put to good use. Gzip locates similar strings within a text file and replaces those strings temporarily to make the overall file size smaller.
The reason gzip works so well in a web environment is because CSS files and HTML files use a lot of repeated text and have loads of whitespace. Since gzip compresses common strings, this can reduce the size of pages and style sheets by up to 70%!
Gzip has to be enabled on your webserver which is relatively straight forward.
When a browser visits a webserver it checks to see if the server has gzip enabled and requests the webpage. If it’s enabled it receives the gzip file which is significantly smaller and if it isn’t, it still receives the page, only the uncompressed version which is much larger.

Why Is It Important

The main reason it is important is because it reduces the time it takes for a website to transfer the page files and style sheets which ultimately reduces the load time of your website.

How To Add Gzip

There are different methods of setting up gzip compression depending on whether or not you’ve got an IIS or Apache server (or something else entirely).


If your server is IIS, follow these instructions in the Microsoft TechNet document to enable compression.

For Apache

You will need to add the following lines to your .htaccess file:
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
# Compress HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Text, XML and fonts
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rss+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-opentype
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-otf
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-truetype
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-font-ttf
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/opentype
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/otf
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/ttf
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/svg+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE image/x-icon
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml

# Remove browser bugs (only needed for really old browsers)
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
Header append Vary User-Agent

Useful :nth-child Recipes

Useful :nth-child Recipes

I get a little giddy when I come across perfect uses for:nth-child or :nth-of-type . The better you understand them, the more css nerdgasms you get to have!
In these simple “recipes” (really: expressions) I’ll arbitrarily use a flat list of list items and randomly chosen numbers. But it should be fairly obvious how to alter them to get similar selections.

Select Only the Fifth Element

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li:nth-child(5) {
    color: green;   
To select the first element, you can use :first-child, or I bet you can guess how to alter the above to do it as well.

Select All But The First Five

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li:nth-child(n+6) {
    color: green;   
If there were more than 10 elements here, it would select all of them beyond 5.

Select Only The First Five

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li:nth-child(-n+5) {
    color: green;   

Select Every Fourth, Starting At The First

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li:nth-child(4n-7) {  /* or 4n+1 */
    color: green;   

Select Only Odd or Even

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li:nth-child(odd) {
    color: green;   
Freelancing Design and Download Themes. Download Responsive themes for CMS, WooCommerce, eCommerce, SEO, Joomla, WordPress, Magento, Opencart, HTML, Jquery and Plugins. Hire Freelancers and design your website according your business needs.

li:nth-child(even) {
    color: green;   

Select The Last Element

Freelancing Design and Download Themes. Download Responsive themes for CMS, WooCommerce, eCommerce, SEO, Joomla, WordPress, Magento, Opencart, HTML, Jquery and Plugins. Hire Freelancers and design your website according your business needs.

li:last-child {
    color: green;
Selects the 10th because we have 10 elements here, but if there was 8 it would select the 8th, or if there were 1,290 it would select the 1,290th.

Select the Second to Last Element

Freelancing Design and Download Themes. Download Responsive themes for CMS, WooCommerce, eCommerce, SEO, Joomla, WordPress, Magento, Opencart, HTML, Jquery and Plugins. Hire Freelancers and design your website according your business needs.

li:nth-last-child(2) {
    color: green;
Selects the 9th because we have 10 elements here, but if there were 30 elements it would select the 29th.

Browser Support

Interestingly enough, :first-child was supported by IE 7, but it’s not until IE 9 where the rest of this stuff is supported. Other than IE there isn’t much browser support concern, and if you are worried about IE, then use Selectivizr. If browser support stuff is interesting or important for you, definitely check out When can I use… which tracks this stuff very well.

Magento : Get Base Url , Skin Url , Media Url , Js Url , Store Url and Current Url

Magento : Get Base Url , Skin Url , Media Url , Js Url , Store Url and Current Url

Get Url in phtml files

1. Get Base Url :
2. Get Skin Url :
(a) Unsecure Skin Url :
(b) Secure Skin Url :
$this->getSkinUrl('images/imagename.gif', array('_secure'=>true));
3. Get Media Url :
4. Get Js Url :
5. Get Store Url :
6. Get Current Url

Get Url in cms pages or static blocks

1. Get Base Url :
{{store url=""}}
2. Get Skin Url :
{{skin url='images/imagename.jpg'}}
3. Get Media Url :
{{media url='/imagename.jpg'}}
4. Get Store Url :
{{store url='mypage.html'}}

Writing Posts in wordpress site

Posts are entries that display in reverse order on your home page. Posts usually have comments fields beneath them and are included in your site’s RSS feed.
To write a post:
  1. Log in to your WordPress Administration Panel (Dashboard).
  2. Click the ‘Posts‘ tab.
  3. Click the ‘Add New‘ sub-tab.
  4. Start filling in the blanks: enter your post title in the upper field, and enter your post body content in the main post editing box below it.
  5. As needed, select a category, add tags, and make other selections from the sections below the post. (Each of these sections is explained below.)
  6. When you are ready, click Publish.

Screen Options

There are more editing fields available to you than you see on first login. The Screen Options area allows you to choose which Post Fields are displayed or hidden from your editing area, which allows you to minimize clutter and customize according to your needs.
You’ll find the Screen Options tab at the very top of your screen, and if you click on it, you’ll see a list of available editing boxes that you can use. Check the box for each Post Field you want displayed, or uncheck the box to hide that module. Click the Screen Options tab again to close the tab.
Note: As of WordPress version 3.1, some screen options on the Post Administration Panel are hidden by default, and you can check these items to set them to display regularly. This includes: Excerpt, Post Author, Discussion, Custom Fields, Slug, Comments, Send Trackbacks, Revisions.
Once you've customized how your editing screen works, your options are saved so you don’t have to select or hide them again next time you log in.

Descriptions of Post Fields

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WordPress Admin Writing Post Advanced Panel – Top of Page
Title/Headline Box
The title of your post. You can use any phrases, words or characters. Avoid using the same title twice as that will cause problems. You can use commas, apostrophes, quotes, hypens/dashes and other typical symbols in the post like “My Site – Here’s Lookin’ at You, Kid”. WordPress will then clean it up to generate a user-friendly and URL-valid name of the post (also called the “post slug”) to compose the permalink for the post.
Body Copy Box
The blank box where you enter your writing, links, links to images, and any information you want to display on your site. You can use either the Visual or the Text view to compose your posts. For more on the Text view, see the section below, Visual Versus Text View.
Preview button
Allows you to view the post before officially publishing it.
Publish box 
Contains buttons that control the state of your post. The main states are Published, Pending Review and Draft. A Published status means the post has been published live on your blog for all to see. Pending Review means the draft is waiting for review by an editor prior to publication. Draft means the post has not been published and remains a draft for you. If you select a specific publish status and click the update post or “Publish” button, that status is applied to the post. For example, to save a post in the Pending Reviewstatus, select Pending Review from the Publish Status drop-down box, and click Save As Pending. (You will see all posts organized by status by going to Administration Panels > Posts > Edit). To schedule a post for publication on a future time or date, click “Edit” in the Publish area next to the words “Publish immediately”. You can also change the publish date to a date in the past to back-date posts. Change the settings to the desired time and date. You must also hit the “Publish” button when you have completed the post to publish at the desired time and date.
Publish box 
Visibility – This determines how your post appears to the world. Public posts will be visible by all website visitors once published. Password Protected posts are published to all, but visitors must know the password to view the post content. Private posts are visible only to you (and to other editors or admins within your site)
Permalink stands for “permanent link”. That means a post URL that does not expose the post ID which could be subject to a change (e.g. when moving to different blogging system), but it rather contains a user-friendly post name derived from the post title which could also change, although not recommended, but in a more controllable way. This post name (also referred to as “post slug” or just “slug”) can be edited, depending on your Permalinks settings, using the “Edit” button. (To change your settings, go toAdministration Panels >Settings > Permalinks). The permalink is automatically generated based on the title you set to the post and is shown below the title field. Punctuation such as commas, quotes, apostrophes, and invalid URL characters are removed and spaces are substituted with dashes to separate each word. If your title is “My Site – Here’s Lookin’ at You, Kid”, it will be cleaned up to create the slug “my-site-heres-lookin-at-you-kid”. You can manually change this, maybe shortening it to “my-site-lookin-at-you-kid”.
Allows you to save your post as a draft / pending review rather than immediately publishing it. To return to your drafts later, visit Posts – Edit in the menu bar, then select your post from the list.
Publishes your post on the site. You can edit the time when the post is published by clicking the Edit link above the “Publish” button and specifying the time you want the post to be published. By default, at the time the post is first auto-saved, that will be the date and time of the post within the database.
Post Tags 
Refers to micro-categories for your blog, similar to including index entries for a page. Posts with similar tags are linked together when a user clicks one of the tags. Tags have to be enabled with the right code in your theme for them to appear in your post. Add new tags to the post by typing the tag into the box and clicking “Add”.
The general topic the post can be classified in. Generally, bloggers have 7-10 categories for their content. Readers can browse specific categories to see all posts in the category. To add a new category, click the “+Add New Category” link in this section. You can manage your categories by going to Administration PanelsPosts > Categories.
A summary or brief teaser of your post featured on the front page of your site as well as on the category, archives, and search non-single post pages. Note that the Excerpt does not usually appear by default. It only appears in your post if you have modified the template file listing the post to use the_excerpt()instead of the_content() to display the Excerpt instead of the full content of a post. If so, WordPress will automatically use as the Excerpt the first 55 words of your post content or the content before the<!--more--> quicktag. If you use the “Excerpt” field when editing the post, this will be used no matter what. For more information, see Excerpt.
Send Trackbacks 
A way to notify legacy blog systems that you’ve linked to them. If you link other WordPress blogs, they’ll be notified automatically using pingbacks. No other action is necessary. For those blogs that don’t recognize pingbacks, you can send a trackback to the blog by entering the website address(es) in this box, separating each one by a space. See Trackbacks and Pingbacks for more information.
Custom Fields 
Custom_Fields offer a way to add information to your site. In conjunction with extra code in your template files or plugins, Custom Fields can modify the way a post is displayed. These are primarily used by plugins, but you can manually edit that information in this section.
Options to enable interactivity and notification of your posts. This section hosts two check boxes: Allow Comments on this postand Allow trackbacks and pingbacks on this post. If Allowing Comments is unchecked, no one can post comments to this particular post. If Allowing Pings is unchecked, no one can post pingbacks or trackbacks to this particular post.
Password Protect This Post 
To password protect a post, click Edit next to Visibility in the Publish area to the top right, then click Password Protected, click Ok, and enter a password. Then click OK. Note – Editor and Admin users can see password protected or private posts in the edit view without knowing the password.
Post Author 
A list of all blog authors you can select from to attribute as the post author. This section only shows if you have multiple users with authoring rights in your blog. To view your list of users, see Users tab on the far right. For more information, see Users and Authors.
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WordPress Admin Writing Post Advanced Panel – Bottom of Page
A list of all revisions made to the current post or page. Clicking on a revision will open a dedicated revision change where you can compare the current version of the post or page with any previous versions. There is also an option to restore any previous versions.
Note: You can set basic options for writing, such as the size of the post box, how smiley tags are converted, and other details by going to Administration Panels > Settings > Writing. See Writing Options SubPanel.

Best Practices For Posting

You can say or show the world anything you like on your WordPress site. Here are some tips you need to know to help you write your posts in WordPress.
Practice Accessibility 
To be compliant with web standards for accessibility, be sure to include ALT and TITLE descriptions on links and images to help your users, such as <a title="WordPress Codex" href="">WordPress Codex</a>.
Use Paragraphs 
No one likes to read writing that never pauses for a line break. To break your writing up into paragraphs, use double spaces between your paragraphs. WordPress will automatically detect these and insert <p> HTML paragraph tags into your writing.
Use Headings 
If you are writing long posts, break up the sections by using headings, small titles to highlight a change of subject. In HTML, headings are set by the use of h1h2h3h4, and so on. By default, most WordPress Themes use the first, second, and sometimes third heading levels within the site. You can use h4 to set your own headings. You can use the Heading 4 style from your editing dropdown menu using the Visual Editor, or you can enter your headline manually in the Text Editor by typing:
<h4>Subtitle of Section</h4>. To style the heading, add it to your style.css style sheet file. For more information on styling headings, check out Designing Headings.
You don’t have to use HTML when writing your posts. WordPress will automatically add it to your site, but if you do want control over different elements like boxes, headings, and other additional containers or elements, use HTML.
Spell Check and Proof 
There are spell check Plugins available, but even those can’t check for everything. Some serious writers will write their posts in atext editor with spell check, check all the spelling and proof it thoroughly before copying and pasting into WordPress.
Think before you post 
Ranting on blogs is commonplace today, but take a moment and think about what you are writing. Remember, once it is out there, it can be seen by many and crawled by search engines; and taking things back is harder once it is public. Take a moment to read what you’ve written before hitting the Publish button. When you are ready, share it with the world.
Write about what you like 
You’ve heard this a thousand times before and it sounds too cliched, but it is true. If you force yourself to write something that you don’t really enjoy, it will show. Perhaps you might not have a specific theme for writing when you just start, but that’s ok. You’ll become more focused later. Just enjoy the experience and write what you like.
Write frequently 
Write as frequently as you can, but don’t let quantity get in the way of quality. Your viewers come for content, not to spend time reading useless stuff.
Don’t use too much slang 
Not all the readers will be from your part of the world so make sure people can understand easily.
Don’t hide your emotions 
Tempting as it might be, don’t hide your real emotions. After all that is what a blog is about. If you want, you can stay anonymous and voice your feelings on whatever you are passionate about. You might have strong views on various subjects but let your readers know your passion. What is passion worth if you can’t even share it? You’ll actually love the discussions it can lead to. The discussions will broaden your own thinking and you might end up making some really good friends.
Consider your readers 
Perhaps this sounds weird, but consider who needs to know about your blog before you tell them about your new blogging hobby. Will you be able to write freely if you tell them? How much should you let your readers know about you? Is it ok if your boss or girlfriend reads your posts? If you don’t want them to read, take anonymity measures accordingly.
Make use of comments 
Comments let people share their ideas. Sometimes, they might not be good, but you can ask such people to shut up. Most of the times, they will and if they don’t you can delete their comments. Blogging like real life, can be both fun and not so fun at times. Be prepared. Also, give your people a place to contact you in private if they want to write to you.
Worry about blog design later 
Blog design matters, but only to an extent. Don’t give up on blogging just because the design isn’t coming up as you’ll like it it to be. Sooner or later, you’ll get around the design problems with ease. But continue writing. Content is what attracts your readers, not just the look of your blog.
Don’t play too safe 
Talk about the real you. Readers aren’t impressed by how big your house is, which cool club you belong to, or what the weather is in your hometown. Don’t be a bore and put a long post on how you fixed the leaking tap in minutes. Readers don’t care about braggers, they care about the real you–how you feel, what gets you excited, why you are the person you are. But if achievements are all that you can talk about, you will bore your readers.
Use pictures and videos 
They make the pages colorful and viewers get to see a little of your part of the world. They feel connected.
Keep writing 
Don’t stop blogging. If you don’t have anything to write about, chances are, you are still holding back. Let loose. Perhaps surf more blogs and maybe you’ll get an idea. You can write about your friends, complain about your boss, or simply rant about what’s gone wrong. Yet if nothing else works, just write a review on the latest movie, book, or product. Easy actually.
Save your posts 
Save your posts before you press the publish button. Anything can happen with your computer or with an internet connection. You don’t need to lose your post.

Visual Versus Text Editor

When writing your post, you have the option of using the Visual or Text mode of the editor. The visual mode lets you see your post as is, while the Text mode shows you the code and replaces the WYSIWYG editor buttons with quicktags. These quicktags are explained as follows.
  • b – <strong></strong> HTML tag for strong emphasis of text (i.e. bold).
  • i – <em></em> HTML tag for emphasis of text (i.e. italicize).
  • b-quote – <blockquote></blockquote> HTML tag to distinguish quoted or cited text.
  • del – <del></del> HTML tag to label text considered deleted from a post. Most browsers display asstriked through text. (Assigns datetime attribute with offset from GMT (UTC))
  • link – <a href=””></a> HTML tag to create a hyperlink.
  • ins – <ins></ins> HTML tag to label text considered inserted into a post. Most browsers display asunderlined text. (Assigns datetime attribute with offset from GMT (UTC))
  • ul – <ul></ul> HTML tag will insert an unordered list, or wrap the selected text in same. An unordered list will typically be a bulleted list of items.
  • ol – <ol></ol> HTML tag will insert a numbered list, or wrap the selected text in same. Each item in an ordered list are typically numbered.
  • li – <li></li> HTML tag will insert or make the selected text a list item. Used in conjunction with the ul or ol tag.
  • code – <code></code> HTML tag for preformatted styling of text. Generally sets text in a monospaced font, such as Courier.
  • more – <!–more–> WordPress tag that breaks a post into “teaser” and content sections. Type a few paragraphs, insert this tag, then compose the rest of your post. On your blog’s home page you’ll see only those first paragraphs with a hyperlink ((more...)), which when followed displays the rest of the post’s content.
  • page – <!–nextpage–> WordPress tag similar to the more tag, except it can be used any number of times in a post, and each insert will “break” and paginate the post at that location. Hyperlinks to the paginated sections of the post are then generated in combination with the wp_link_pages() orlink_pages() template tag.
  • lookup – Opens a JavaScript dialogue box that prompts for a word to search for through the online dictionary at You can use this to check spelling on individual words.
  • Close Tags – Closes any open HTML tags left open–but pay attention to the closing tags. WordPress is not a mind reader (!), so make sure the tags enclose what you want, and in the proper way.
Workflow Note – With Quicktag buttons that insert HTML tags, you can for example click i to insert the opening <em> tag, type the text to be enclosed, and click /i or Close Tags to insert the closing tag. However, you can eliminate the need for this ‘close’ step by changing your workflow a bit: type your text, select the portion to be emphasized (that is, italicized), then click i and your highlighted text will be wrapped in the opening and closing tags.
The Quicktag buttons also have the accesskey JavaScript attribute set, so you may be able to use a keyboard equivalent (e.g., Alt-bfor bold) to “press” the button, depending on your browser.
On Windows, IE and Firefox prior to 2.0b2 use Alt to activate accesskeys, while Firefox 2.0b2 uses Alt-Shift. On Mac OS X, Firefox uses Ctrl.